Admin settings - Password requirements

By default, passwords in Looker must be a minimum of ten characters long and contain at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter (A, z), one numeric character (0-9), and one special character (such as !, %, @, or #). The Passwords page in the Authentication section of the Admin menu provides admins with additional control over password requirements for users on their instance.

Customizing password requirements

Looker admins can enforce additional security requirements by specifying a minimum password length or requiring special characters in passwords. To manage password requirements for users on your instance, select Passwords in the Authentication section of the Looker Admin menu. This opens the Password Requirements page.

On the Password Requirements page, Looker displays current password requirement settings for existing users on your Looker instance. You can change these settings by choosing a minimum number of characters or requiring special characters.

Password complexity requirement settings have no effect on passwords hosted by external authentication systems (SAML, LDAP, Google Auth, OpenID Connect).

Specifying a minimum password length

In Minimum Password Length, you can specify the minimum number of characters required for a password. By default, a password in Looker must be at least 10 characters long. To require a different minimum password length, select a number from the drop-down menu.

Requiring special characters

Looker admins can require that passwords contain special characters. In Require at least one, check the corresponding box to require at least one of the following:

  • Uppercase and lowercase letter (A, z)
  • Numeric character (0-9)
  • Special character (any character your environment will accept that is not an uppercase or a lowercase letter or a numeric character — for example, !, %, @, #, and so on)

Saving your settings

Once you have chosen your desired settings, click Save. Any user on your instance who creates a new password will be required to meet the conditions you have specified.

Requiring users to reset passwords

To require locally configured users to reset their passwords upon their next login to Looker, click Require Password Reset. The next time a user logs in to Looker, they will be required to create a new password that satisfies the current minimum password requirements.